Legal information


Company name: FUGU
Postal address:21, Quai Victor Augagneur, 69003 Lyon, France
Telephone: +33 6 71 39 89 64
Share capital: SARL with a capital of 7740€
RCS: RCS de Nanterre under number 532 336 401
Publishing director: Mr Thomas Hoffmann

FUGU declines all responsibility in the event of damage suffered by persons using this site, in particular in the event of non-compliance with the advice provided.


Amazon Web Services, Inc. P.O. Box 81226 Seattle, WA 98108-1226
and Webflow, Inc. 208 Utah Street, Suite 210 San Francisco, California, 94103


Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in files within your computer's browser. Cookies are accessible and saved by the websites you visit, and by the companies that display their advertisements on websites, so that they can recognize the browser. Web sites can only access the cookies they have stored on your computer. For example, if Company X saves a cookie on your browser, X can access its own cookie, but not that of another company Y.
By using the FUGU website, you consent to the use of cookies placed by our Site. The FUGU website uses cookies for the following purposes:
- Use of the site: to help us recognize your browser as that of a previous visitor and to save the preferences that you determined during your previous visit to the Site;
- Social networks: to check if you are connected to third party services (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ ... );
- Audience measurement: to monitor statistical data on visits to the Site (i.e. the use made of the Site by users and to improve the services of the Site) and to help us measure and study the effectiveness of our online interactive content.

Invisible pixels

We may use web beacons (also called clear GIFs, pixels, or action tags) in order to provide better service and improve the usability of the site. These technologies are code fragments that appear as a tiny graphic image on a web page or in an email. Web beacons can recognize certain types of information on your computer, such as cookies, the time and date a page was viewed, and a description of the page on which the pixel tag is placed. In general, any file offered as part of a web page can act as an invisible pixel. We use invisible pixels for various tracking purposes, for example: - to measure behavior: opening an email, visiting a page, etc.- to measure the audience of a website, etc .- to measure the audience of a website

Your choices regarding Cookies and web beacons

You have the choice to configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, inform you when a cookie is issued, its validity period and its content, as well as allow you to refuse its registration in your terminal, and delete your cookies periodically.
You can set your Internet browser to deactivate cookies. However, note that if you deactivate cookies, your username and password will no longer be saved on any website.
For more information on how you can delete and control cookies stored on your computer, visit the following site:

Personal data and CNIL declaration

The site is declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) under the number 1804050 by the company FUGU. The information collected is processed automatically. They will not be used for purposes other than those indicated below:
- Order confirmation by email
- Addressing commercial offers
In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting:
- by email using the contact form
- by post to the following address: FUGU, 21, Quai Victor Augagneur 69003 Lyon
- by phone: +33 9 51 71 46 57
You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning you.

See the details of
General rental conditions
By clicking on “Accept all cookies”, you agree that cookies may be stored on your device in order to improve navigation on the site and to analyze its use. Check out our Legal notices for more information.